Sunday, May 16, 2010

Automatic Projector Calibration

Johnny Chung Lee - Projects - Thesis
Automatic Projector Calibration

The fundamental concept of my thesis is to: 1) Embed optical sensors into the projection surface. 2) Project a series of Gray-coded binary patterns. 3) Decode the location of the sensors for use in a projected application. This video demonstrates this idea in the form of a target screen fitting application. It goes on to demonstrate how this approach can be used in multi-projector applications such as stitching (creating a large display using tiled projection) or layering (multiple versions of content on the same area for view dependent displays). Additionally, it can be used to automatically register the orientation of 3D surfaces for augmenting the appearance of physical objects.

This technique is also useful for performing automatic touch calibration of interactive whiteboards or touch-tables.

Lee, J., Dietz, P., Aminzade, D., and Hudson, S. "Automatic Projector Calibration using Embedded Light Sensors", Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, October 2004. [pdf][mov][ppt]

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tressured objects box

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Your Very Own Treasure Box
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Remember the scene in Amelie when she finds a little tin treasure box that had been hidden behind the tiles of her powder room?

amelie and the box

“…Only excavators of Tutankhamen’s tomb could have known what she felt like, uncovering this.”

Or Addie Loggins’ (Tatum O’Neal) keepsake box with the false bottom in Paper Moon?

addies treasure boxaddies treasures inside the box
amelie and the boxaddies treasure boxaddies treasures inside the box
These were the only things she held on to from her old life with her mother, before her whole life was turned around by a con artist with a heart of gold.

Having to leave a place without all your belongings is traumatic to anyone, yet she took the things that mattered most to her, and they served her well: a picture of her mother, some of her mothers old perfume and jewelry, cigarettes – all little memories that will comfort her and make sure she never loses that part of her.

Whenever I see things like this, such as a character that only has one suitcase of their belongings, it intrigues me. We have been trained in this capitalist society to buy more stuff buy bigger houses to fit more stuff. When does it end? If there was a fire in your gigantic house, would you be running into your bathroom to grab the soaps carved into roses? No, you’d be grabbing a quilt your grandmother made you and your dog (or children, if the case called for it). It’s these things that are most important to us, so why do we need all the other things? Why do we keep unimportant stuff around?

I have started reading Rowdy Kittens, and became very interested in the subject of downsizing. This couple is downsizing their life because they want to be able to move into a tiny house soon. But they have nothing but good things to say about living with less. Why don’t more of us do that? :)

I have been inspired to start purging my life as well; the Beau and I are going to have a garage sale to get rid of a lot of stuff, and once the dust settles from that, the real purging can begin.

What would you put in your trinket box?

Monday, May 3, 2010

touchpoints - memory and identity

spacial and object based memory triggers

Monday, April 26, 2010

hong kong bamboo scaffolding

Kingsley Ng - Hong Kong Young Design Talent Awards 2009

Hong Kong Young Design Talent Awards 2009
DesignSmart Young Design Talent Award

Kingsley Ng

A diversified background in the arts has served as the foundations to Kingsley Ng’s progressive leap forward in design. Ng is a fine arts graduate of Ryerson Polytechnic University in Toronto. His educational experience comprises applied studies in new media, architecture and the contemporary arts. Thoroughly multidisciplinary, Ng has practised professionally using interactive sound and graphics, interior, branding graphic and packaging design. In recent years, through his enlistment into Jack Morton Worldwide, Ng has honed his many skills to focus on the pioneering development of experiential design.

Space imbued with ambience created by light, sound, colour, texture, wind, water – well anything really – defines the work. As abstract as this may seem, experiential design can essentially be defined as the act of designing narratives within any given 3-dimensional space. With Jack Morton Worldwide, Ng has been able to invent messages within space for a number of clients across the globe. Refreshing approaches include creating an interactive lightshow that is electronically triggered by candle-lit paper boats drifting above a pool of water. Designed within the Fabrica Research Centre, the experiential design, which included a play of ambient sound, functioned as homage to Tadao Ando. Other notable works by Ng in the yet-to-be established field include a Musical Wheel in Hong Kong and a Musical Loom in France. The Musical Wheel is a large, six metre rotational wheel. While seated inside, participants rotate slowly in tandem with the wheel, which creates ambient sounds from all sides.

Ng admits that experiential design is still a largely unknown entity, and asserts the need for further development. To this end, he hopes to further himself with applied research and eventual practise of the discipline.

Ma Ke Wuyong

Ma Ke Wuyong - Victoria and Albert Museum
Ma Ke is one of the most prolific fashion designers working in China today, she graduated from the Suzhou Institute of Silk Textile Technology in 1992 and four years later set up her own label Exception de Mixmind.

Ma Ke's interest in the crossover between contemporary art and fashion led her to establish the artistic brand Wuyong (Useless) in 2006. Wuyong is an examination of the concept of 'uselessness' and how this interpretation varies when seen from different points of view. In February 2007, Wuyong was presented at Paris Fashion Week for the first time and the innovative concept attracted much attention within both art and fashion circles.

Taking discarded items such as an old paint covered sheet Ma Ke transforms it into a dress, the cracked paint creating a beautiful pattern on the garment, and an old tarpaulin is constructed into a coat of magnificent volume. For Ma Ke this focus on personal interpretation and transformation is a way of highlighting the importance of the individual and the inestimable value of life.
Ma Ke Wuyong, Fashion in Motion, May 2008

Innovation Tower” will serve as a driving force in the development of Hong Kong as a design hub in Asia

Innovation Tower Hong Kong, Architect, Building, Photo
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has appointed world-renowned architect Zaha Hadid as Chief Architect of its new “Innovation Tower”.

Zaha Hadid has made a trip from London to Hong Kong to present her design concepts at a press conference hosted by Mr Victor Lo Chung-wing, Chairman of PolyU Council; and Mr Alexander Tzang, Deputy President of PolyU.

Addressing the press conference, Mr Victor Lo said PolyU’s new “Innovation Tower” will serve as a driving force in the development of Hong Kong as a design hub in Asia. The new Tower will also provide additional space to facilitate inter-disciplinary research and education in the field of design.


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ART HK is the leading showcase for international Modern & Contemporary Art in Asia with over 150 galleries participating from 29 different countries.  ART HK reflects Hong Kong’s ‘Gateway’ status in presenting a unique opportunity for collectors to see and buy work of a quality and geographical diversity not available anywhere else in the world.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Stitching Together, by Åsa Ståhl and Kristina Lindstöm

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Åsa Ståhl and Kristina Lindstöm, Stitching Together. Photo by Otto Von Busch at the Malmö Festival 2009

Stitching Together, by Åsa Ståhl and Kristina Lindstöm, is a "hacked" digital sewing machine. People forward the machine one of their personal SMS and it dutifully embroiders it.

Meat book - interactive flesh

The Meatbook, an interactive art installation, explores the use of a novel tangible interace to provoke a visceral response in the viewer. The Meatbook presentes the symbiosis of the mechanical and the organic as it simultaneously juxtaposes the conflicting materiality of these media. Sensors, motors and other mechanics are used to animate the meat, generating movements specifically designed to produce visceral, even cathartic responses from the user. By simultaneously generating revulsion and fascionation, the user undergoes an embodied experience in which the alien and the familiar come together in the form of a book.

Sewing pages togetherThe electronics that power the Meatbook0aameatbookl.jpg
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Åsa Ståhl and Kristina Lindstöm, Stitching Together. Photo by Otto Von Busch at the Malmö Festival 2009

Stitching Together, by Åsa Ståhl and Kristina Lindstöm, is a "hacked" digital sewing machine. People forward the machine one of their personal SMS and it dutifully embroiders it.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Visualizing the Issues behind Food Dependence: How to Feed the World?

Visualizing the Issues behind Food Dependence: How to Feed the World? - information aesthetics
If you appreciated the depth and level of detail of the now classic infographically animated The Credit of Crisis - Visualized, you will probably also like the following! "How to Feed the World?" [] explains in more than 8 minutes the intrinsic issues involved with international food dependence and the existing regional differences of food intake, in both quantity as quality.

For instance, in Europe, people have access to a varied, large diet, while the available (affordable?) food in Africa does not cover the normal human needs, causing African people to die about 20 years younger on average. What are the reasons for this injustice? You can watch the answer in the movie below.

The movie even discusses the feasibility of some potential solutions, such as increasing the cultivated land area, increasing the yield of a given agricultural area, increasing the use of organic products, introducing innovative watering techniques, and so on, and finishes with a concrete recommendation of where you have the ability to make a difference.

The Discreet Window: Publicly Showing Work Activity to the Outside

The Discreet Window: Publicly Showing Work Activity to the Outside - information aesthetics
The Discreet Window [] is a window blind that provides visual feedback for a home-office environment about a user's work activity. As an ambient display, The Discreet Window acts as a membrane that communicates the work intensity to both the home-office space and the outside. The more the user works, the less light is coming inside the room. Thus, the less visual contact there is between both sides of the window.

In practice, this means that when the shade is all the way open, one has not been working, and vice versa. The graphing function then shows the historical data. Most of the current tools of self-monitoring provide intrusive alerts, bringing the risk of disturbing the optimal work pattern of the individual. Instead, the same information has more attractiveness and influence to the user when presented to him on demand as a summary over time. discreet_window.jpg

Monday, March 29, 2010


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designworks is a global team of product development experts. Our knowledge and skill, combined with cutting edge research and technology allows us to design the future for our clients. We understand and work with clients across the consumer, medical, sport, ICT, toy, and transport sectors.
design capabilities. people. resources. philosophy. history > designworks
designworks was established in the UK in 1991 by Jeremy Gardner and Peter Rickett. Today designworks meets and exceeds the challenges of a diverse and prestigious clients list.
designworks > Brisbane Australia + Windsor UK + Hong Kong > contact details
hong kong.

unit 312a

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t +852 3188 2287

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+brisbane and windsor UK offices

DAKA - industrial design

Established in 1993, Daka’s passion for innovation has led to over a decade of sustained growth. We create unique products with ability to identify niche markets where we apply our product development expertise. We have also built a strong portfolio of Intellectual Property Rights to protect the innovative technologies and designs of the products that we have developed.

Fueled by the dedication of our team, we now stand as a company that won multiple international awards, and with ISO9001:2000 accreditation that upholds the highest standards of quality.

Building on our success is our key motivation, and our expanding portfolio of products reflects this. With quality and innovation in equal measure, we are committed to total excellence.
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Identify, develop and market innovation niche products that possess mass consumer appeal in the global market.

Our focus is to specialize in the development and marketing of next generation innovation consumer products by applying advanced technologies and know how to every aspect of product development. We are also dedicated to strengthen our Intellectual Property Rights for all the products that we design.

Emotive Studio

Emotive Studio, Design Agency, Hong Kong, Packaging
Emotive Studio is expert in the packaging practical aspects: displaying optimization and shipping protection. We develop a strong visual and tactile ways to reach your customer.
We will also ensure that your product is packaged for maximum impact on your customers and not the environment.

Since 2001 Emotive Studio has been serving a diverse portfolio of clients from our office in Hong Kong.  Our team of designers from Asia and Europe has experience in working with many industries and International markets.
From initial concepts, then brand development and finally bringing your product to market, we can provide an integrated service or just fulfil a one-off design brief.

104 -105, 1F Casey Building
38 Lok Ku Road, Sheung Wan,
Hong Kong

T (852) 2805 1107
F (852) 3582 4900


Hong Kong Awards for Industries

Hong Kong Awards for Industries
The Hong Kong Awards for Industries was officially launched in 2005 by merging the former Hong Kong Awards for Industry and Hong Kong Awards for Services, established in 1989 and 1997 respectively, to rationalise and update the two awards. The merged Awards continues to recognise the outstanding achievements of Hong Kong enterprises in their move towards higher technology and higher value-added activities. The Awards covers seven categories.

Industrial designers society of Hong Kong

Welcome to Industrial designers society of Hong Kong
ndustrial Designers Society of Hong Kong (IDSHK) was founded in 2002. IDSHK aims to promote higher levels of professionalism and status of Hong Kong's industrial designs. In 2004, IDSHK has issued and published the "Professional Practice & Contract Template for Hong Kong Industrial Designers" (Chinese/English CD format). IDSHK has worked to foster public interests to the value of industrial design (I.D.).

IDSHK has regularly organized I.D. seminars, knowledge-sharing forums, mentor workshops and trips to the international I.D. Expo & Forum of China. IDSHK has actively established collaborations and strategic alliance partnership with industrial bodies and education institutes.

InnoSphere Product Design & Development

InnoSphere Product Design & Development
With over 10 years of design and development experience, we are specialized in consumer electronics and household appliances. Our creativity ensures your product gives a great impact to your target consumer!

- Design: Consumer electronics, household appliances and premiums
- New product line build up and development
- Brand building and market positioning
- Prototype and mold making
- Production and project management

Awarded collaboration projects:
- Hong Kong Award for Industries 2005
- Hong Kong Original Gifts & Household Products Design Competition 2005

Address : Unit 231, 2/F, InnoCentre,
72 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, H.K.
地址: 九龍塘達之路72號創新中心二樓231室
Tel : (852) 3586 0896
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Golden Sun Housewares Manufacturing Ltd

Company Profile
Golden Sun Housewares Manufacturing Ltd. is a Hong Kong based sole proprietorship founded by Mr. Kwok Kang-sang in 1967 specialising in stainless steel and plastic houseware production. In 1986, Mr. Kwok moved the manufacturing base to He Ao, Heng Gang of Shenzhen in China to further develop his business. Over the past 11 years, Golden Sun has evolved into one of the largest houseware manufacturers and exporters in Hong Kong with average sales over US$ 16.5 million annually.

Our phenomenal success is attributed to our persistence in producing the best kitchen utensils. To do so, we have employed 950 full-time staff, each and all of them are expertise in their own specialized field. Their distinguished professionalism has ensured our products, from design, craftmanship to quality, are always among the finest.

The tremendous success of Golden Sun is attributed to the efforts of Mr. Kwok and devoted services from our employees. We shall strive to maintain our leading position and dedicate ourselves in making the finest houseware of the world.