Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Visualizing the Issues behind Food Dependence: How to Feed the World?

Visualizing the Issues behind Food Dependence: How to Feed the World? - information aesthetics
If you appreciated the depth and level of detail of the now classic infographically animated The Credit of Crisis - Visualized, you will probably also like the following! "How to Feed the World?" [dvanw.com] explains in more than 8 minutes the intrinsic issues involved with international food dependence and the existing regional differences of food intake, in both quantity as quality.

For instance, in Europe, people have access to a varied, large diet, while the available (affordable?) food in Africa does not cover the normal human needs, causing African people to die about 20 years younger on average. What are the reasons for this injustice? You can watch the answer in the movie below.

The movie even discusses the feasibility of some potential solutions, such as increasing the cultivated land area, increasing the yield of a given agricultural area, increasing the use of organic products, introducing innovative watering techniques, and so on, and finishes with a concrete recommendation of where you have the ability to make a difference.


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