Monday, May 30, 2011

lieux de mémoire - The memorial site / remember in terms of the photograph – or they can serve as a reminder of our propensity to forget

Stewart, for example, claims that our culture has changed from a culture of production to a culture of consumption.

These specific objects can refer to either a distant time (an antique) or a distant (exotic) place. Stewart explains how our souvenirs authenticate our experiences and how they are a survival sign of events that exist only through the invention of narrative.

Catherine Keenan explains how the act of taking a picture can underline the importance of remembering, both individually and collectively. Also she states that pictures cannot only stimulate or help memory, but can rather eclipse the actual memory – when we remember in terms of the photograph – or they can serve as a reminder of our propensity to forget. Others have argued that photographs can be incorporated in memory and therefore supplement it.

Nora pioneered connecting memory to physical, tangible locations, nowadays globally known and incorporated as lieux de mémoire

lieux de mémoire - The memorial site is a historical concept put forward by the book Places of Memory, published under the direction of Pierre Nora between 1984 and 1992Nora is equally well known for having directed Les Lieux de Mémoire, three volumes which gave as their point the work of enumerating the places and the objects in which are the incarnate national memory of the French.  According to Pierre Nora , "a place of memory in every sense of the word is going to be the most tangible and concrete, possibly geographically located at the object more abstract and intellectually constructed. " It may therefore be a monument , a prominent figure, a museum , the archives , as well as a symbol of a currency , an event orinstitution .

"An object becomes a place of memory when he escaped oblivion, for example with the display of commemorative plaques, and when a community reinvestment of its emotionand its emotions . "

Individuals remember events and experiences some of which they share with a collective. Through mutual reconstruction and recounting collective memory is reconstructed. Individuals are born into familial discourse which already provides a backdrop of communal memories against which individual memories are shaped.A group's communal memory becomes its common knowledge which creates a social bond, a sense of belonging and identity. Memory work - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

it is perception driven by a longing for authenticity that colors memory, which is made clear by a desire to experience the real (Susan Stewart)

Memory work - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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