Sunday, March 7, 2010

chungking express - Transience - is there anything that doesnt expire

Wong Kar Wai allows us to understanding Hong Kong is through the theme of transience.  Through its multiple metamorphosis, Hong Kong, due to its extremely limited land, continually demolishes and rebuilds.  This has led to a constant shifting of its skyline.
  Thus, Hong Kong, through this process of continual and rapid renewal, becomes a land that is devoid of historical reminders. 

The theme of transience can also be applied to Hong Kong’s political situation.  Like the cans of pineapples, Hong Kong, too, has an expiry date (July 1st, 2007).  One of the main repercussion associated with the uncertainty surrounding the future of Hong Kong after 1997 prompted many with the means to immigrate to the West.

July 1997 Hong Kong was handed over to the People's Republic of China by the United Kingdom.

 Hong Kong then becomes a transitory stop.  A Chinese seeking to escape from the purges of the
Cultural Revolution escapes to Hong Kong.  After building up an adequate fortune, they immigrate to the West.

canned pineapple "Chungking Express"

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