Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Discoverability / Usability

Google Image Result for http://www.usernomics.com/images/ipods.jpg
In a web application context, this equates to how long it takes a user to figure out how to perform a specific task without any previous training or documentation. If you said “buy me a boat”, can the user figure out how to do it? It also covers finding new things you didn’t even know you wanted. Note that we are not talking about the ability for the user to find your website in the first place, such as via Google.

Can the user continue to efficiently use the application over long periods of time? Or are they constantly stumbling over things? My favorite counter-example here is Microsoft Word and its hatred of bulleted and numbered lists. Anyone who has ever fought with lists in Word will understand this." (Continued via No, I am better than that!) [Usability Resources]

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