Monday, March 8, 2010

Weng Fen - Artist - China

 Weng Fen (Weng Peijun), Sitting on the wall-guangzhou (3)
Sitting on the wall-guangzhou 2002

The transitional phases and changes in China since its opening up in the 1980's, both physically and emotionally, have been the source of inspiration for Weng Peijun (Weng Fen) and his work. In his earlier series 'Sitting on the Wall' and 'Bird's Eye View', Weng's epic images focus on the upraising of urbanism in cities such as Haikou, Shanghai and Shenzhen. His subjects start out as outsiders looking into this overwhelming transformation with anticipation, fear and curiosity to being in the centre of it all. Weng then follows and evolves inwardly, shifting his attention from physical changes to emotional and spiritual transformations, from urban cities to rural countries, exploring the possibility of finding an otherworldly utopia, a place that may have existed all along in our hearts and minds, in our memories and those innocent times, which results in the acclaimed 'Staring at The Sea' series.

This exhibition will present Weng's stunning and breath-taking new series, 'Staring at The Lake', for the first time internationally. All images in this series are taken in England's Lake District and represent a new beginning in his search of the imaginable utopia. Weng once again evolves from his subject matters, tackling the issues of travelling, migration and globalisation affecting China and its people with the same sensibility and precision shown in his previous works.

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