Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hong Kong Designers Association » Awards


Hong Kong Designers Association » Awards

The most important multi-disciplinary design competition in the Asia Pacific region!

Organised by the Hong Kong Designers Association (HKDA), the HKDA Awards has been a who’s who of design excellence in Hong Kong and Asia in the last 34 years. It is a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary award for professional designs in the fields of graphic, product, spatial and new media.

Originating in Hong Kong since 1975 and presided by a judging panel of globally respected design icons, the HKDA Awards has become the biggest and most important professional design competition in the region. Its programmes now include competition, seminars, awards presentation and public exhibition. The last HKDA Awards 07 received more than 1,700 entries, collected from 36 destinations in the region including Mainland China, Japan, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taipei and Hong Kong.

Key Dates

Deadline for Submission
Seminar I - International Judges Series
Awards Presentation
Seminar II - Hong Kong Judges & Winner Series
10 June 2009
29 June 2009
30 November 2009
30 November - 5 December 2009
5 December 2009

i can go, maybe?

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